The component loadings graph of the three sets shows the relationship between the three sets and their impact on the data set of patients with high blood pressure. The proposed procedure is illustrated using a real data set (patients with high blood pressure). Statistical analyses involving generalized nonlinear canonical correlation analysis, component loadings, and object scores are discussed in this paper. In this paper, ordered categorical and dichotomous data are used in generalized nonlinear canonical correlation analysis to study the relationship between two or more sets of variables. Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis, generalized canonical correlation analysis, categorical data, dichotomous data Abstract Foundation of Technical Education,Technical College of Management, Mosul, Iraqĭepartment of Mathematical Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, MalaysiaĮducation Development Centre, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, 9613873136-319, Sabzevar, Iran