Download the NRAAS animator and put it into your package mods folder. Or, and this is recommended, into a folder inside Packages named something like NRAAS Mods.) If youve gotten the files from the page that greenplumbbob linked you to, you just extract that whole archive into the Sims 3 folder in Documents, Then, when you have confirmed it is working, make your sub-folder for NRAAS and put Master Controller in it. This is an optional module of MasterController, and as such you must have the base-mod installed for this module to work properly. This mod adds progression related interactions to the Master Controller menu. In the sims 3 is there a way to make them sneeze more Surpasses 1 Million Downloads Posted 042919 by ChainReaction. This is how we advise most players to set up their Framework since its all arranged for them and it includes two small sample mods for testing::InstallingSims3PackageFilesSetupandFiles Or you could grab the Resource.cfg file as a standalone from here and put it in the right place (in Mods, outside of Packages): (its the exact same file that is in the MTS Framework linked to above) NRaas has moved Our new site is at igazor Thanks a lot for the help.
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