I've seen two 1CHIP-01 consoles that were close in serial. The SNES Mini / SNES Jr uses the same S-CPUN chip and. Instead, pictures of the console's serial. Any “1CHIP” listings? Nope, and if there were the seller would surely be charging appropriately. The insides were pretty clean.īut really, how much better could it look than a typical SNES? Of course, being obsessive and idiotic, that question kept haunting me, so I started peaking back at eBay. First, I flipped it over the unit, and took out the screws. With this info, I started the process to uncover if it was a 1CHIP or not. Sure enough, I checked the serial number sticker again and noticed that the sticker was on top of another one, but I could not read what the original serial number was.
The only real info I read were from message board posts where someone thought UN8 models were refurbished units. I was surprised that there was very little info on UN8 models online. I bought it for $70 and took it home to do some research on it.